One of the hardest things to do is to say no when your sweet baby is looking at you, begging for just a bite, with that adorable boxer face! It is true that dogs can survive on a diet of both vegetables and meats, but some foods that we eat can be dangerous to their health and even life threatening. So next time Fido is giving you his sad puppy eyes, think about this list of potentially poisonous foods before you give in!
- Avocados
are extremely harmful for dogs because they contain a toxic substance called persin. Not to mention, if a dog swallows the whole avocado seed, it might get stuck in its esophagus, which would most likely cause choking.
- Caffeine
is extremely harmful for your boxer including chocolate, coffee, tea, and soda. Consuming caffeine might cause diarrhea, vomiting, excessive urination, hyperactivity, seizures, and abnormal heart and nervous activity.
- Candies and gums
contain xylitol, which is a substance that increases a dog’s insulin level, making its blood sugar drop. This condition can cause liver failure, seizures, tremors, and death in dogs.
- Onions, chive, and garlic
have a chemical that is good for humans but life threatening for your boxer dog. This chemical damages a dog’s blood cells, causing anemia and death.
- Macadamia nuts
can cause muscle weakness, seizures, tachycardia, vomiting, and fever. Therefore, feeding even a few of these to your boxer can cause horrible problems.
- Dairy products
aren’t deadly for your boxer dog but might cause a lot of health problems if fed in greater quantities. Milk and dairy products can cause diarrhea, vomiting, itchiness, and upset stomach in boxers that can have detrimental effects on its health.
- Yeast dough
is extremely dangerous for a boxer dog as it causes stomach pains and intestinal problems including gas, which is very painful for dogs and might cause a drop in their overall health.
- Mushrooms
consist of a chemical that can greatly harm your boxer’s health. This chemical can cause different systems of your boxer’s body to shut down.
We hope this helps you to be more aware of poisonous foods that can cause health problems in your dog, and in worst cases, death. Other foods that should not be fed to boxers include raisins and grapes, fat trimmings, salt, leftovers, raw bones, raw fish, undercooked meat and eggs, and alcohol. Also note you should not brush your dog’s teeth with human toothpaste, as it contains xylitol, which is a substance that can damage a dog’s liver causing liver failure, and in severe cases, death.