Sawing Logs

Boxer Blvd. • October 15, 2019


We’ve all done it, we’ve all denied it, but snoring happens to the best of us. It also happens to our four-legged friends. Just like with humans, snoring is common with boxers. Don’t be surprised as you turn in for the night that a loud snort or rumbling vibration from the dog bed disturbs your sleep. Often the snoring you hear has to do with the way your dog’s airways are shaped. As such there are steps you can take that can mitigate the issue.

Humidifiers – place a humidifier near where your dog sleeps, having moisture in the air can make all the difference and as an added bonus it may help with your snoring too! (Not that we are accusing you of being a snorer.)

Beds – The way your dog lays can be an issue, anything that puts pressure on the neck or chest can lead to snoring. So, while your boxer pup may like a bed that’s inappropriate, getting them into a large round shaped bed is ideal. Also, it should have adequate support, when their body sinks down into the cushion it can lead to compression of their airways or encouraging your dog to bury his head. Another thing you can do is add a pillow under your dog’s head. Now if your boxer resists using the pillow, wait until you have a snoozing puppy and gently lift his head and place the pillow for him.

Weight – Just like with two-legged family members, four-legged family should not exceed 10% of their ideal body weight. The excess body fat can also put pressure on airways and make snoring more pronounced. Plus, your dog can live a longer healthier life, ask your vet about a healthy eating plan if you notice your boxer is a little soft around the middle.

What if the snoring doesn’t stop or gets more severe? If you have tried these techniques and you are still noticing significant snoring. Your dog could have a much more serious issue.

Palate – If your dog barks a lot or pants too much the palate can become swollen, have your vet check to see if is minor otherwise it can mean serious surgery. Your vet should also check for an obstruction either an abnormal growth or something your dog may have inhaled and gotten stuck. If you see your dog pawing at his nose take a flashlight and try looking down his nostrils. You may still not see it, but your vet should be able to and safely remove the foreign matter.

Allergies – It is fall, and again just like people dogs have allergies too. You may notice your dog sneezing or making coughing/gagging noises from excess mucus. Your dog may have allergies to the food they are eating so, check their food for additives and artificial coloring.

Dental – Brushing your dog’s teeth and making sure they have cleaning chews can help prevent gum disease, or infections in your dog’s teeth. An infection can spread up the into the nasal cavity in the heart, lungs and brain and can lead to snoring and many other more serious issues.

Aspergillosis – This is a fungal infection, while rare, can be very serious. Aspergillosis is more common in the country rather than cities. Anywhere there are piles of hay, grass clippings or piles of dead leaves where the mold can grow. If your boxer has been infected you may notice, snoring, coughing with a brown mucus discharge, fever, lethargy, weight loss, headaches, chest pains, shivering, skin lesions, vision issues and or decreased urine. Your veterinarian can run tests to make sure.

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