When you get a new boxer puppy it can sometimes be hard to know what they like and don’t like to eat verses what they should and shouldn’t eat. This task can often be overwhelming to some new puppy parents, but it doesn’t have to be with a few simple rules to follow. Keep in mind that at each phase of your boxer puppy’s life into adulthood they need different things to keep them growing healthy and strong so that your boxer can have the best life possible.
From the age of 4 to 8 weeks boxer puppies need to still be nursing off their mother however at 4 weeks is when solid foods are often started to be transitioned into their daily diet. The food should be soft and mushy at this point as they are still young and need to be transitioned into hard dog food.
By 8 weeks your puppy should be used to solid food. From 8 weeks to 6 months is a crucial point in their growth so proper feeding is important. Whether buying food from the store or making it yourself at home here are somethings to consider. The main ingredient should be one or more combined of lean meats such as white chicken breasts, lean hamburger, turkey or any other lean meat. Next, it’s important to include some vegetables such as carrots, broccoli, potatoes or sweet peas. Boxers also need a starch such as pasta which is loaded with nutrients that your boxer needs. You can also feed your boxer fruits that are filled with antioxidants such as mangos, pears and watermelon. During the puppy phase it’s important to make sure to pack your boxer’s diet with all the foods they need to help them grow up to be healthy and strong.
At age 2 your boxer is considered an adult. At this stage you no longer need to over feed your boxer. It’s recommended that you should still feed your boxer 2 times a day smaller portions to avoid bloating. Don’t be alarmed if as your boxer gets older, they slowdown in their eating. Some boxers will eat the same amount however they won’t eat as quickly as they did as a pup.
Follow these simple instructions and you’ll be set to offer you boxer with healthy eating habits starting at a young age. These habits will last into adulthood giving your boxer the best health they can receive.